Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to filter a list on a specific date range (End User)

I have decided to add some end user focused entries as well for things that I get asked a lot...

I was asked recently about creating a filter on a list view for a specific date range.

To make a filter for a specific month you can do this:

You can also use the [Today] keyword in your filter. For example to create a view that shows all items with a date after the current date you would set your filter to date is greater than: [Today]. Or to have a filter show items in the last week you would set a filter for date is greater than [Today]-7 AND date is less than [Today]+1. Be careful to not put any spaces between the keyword and the - or + operator.

Remember to make sure your dates are in the correct format (mm/dd/yyyy) and are valid dates (ie 2/30/2009 won't work) otherwise you will get the "filter value is not in a supported date format" error.

Hopefully this help clarify any confusion that people may have.

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